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Welcome to my personal website.

Here‘s where I let people know how I got to be what I am.

I have always enjoyed meeting new people and hopefully this website will make it easier for you to decide if you want to get in touch and meet me. It’s always easier when someone we know introduces us to new people. Then, based on the introduction, we might have some idea of what each of us is all about.

And with me, that’s especially helpful. You see, I carry at least three different business cards….  I do different stuff that doesn’t seem to fit on one card or one web page. The simple question of “What do you do?” is not so simple for me to answer. In an effort to help define me, my wife offered up the concept of “transforming space.” Hopefully this will make more sense after you spend some time with me.

So, if you really want to know more, you have two choices… eMail me and we’ll get together over lunch, or spend some time on this website and the places it leads to. There are five piles to wade through on this site:

  • About Me contains a short bio and links to other stuff which will help give you a sense of who I am.
  • What I Do attempts to explain the variety of work I do and why there are so many links to various websites on the sidebar.
  • Community is about my attempt to create a Village.
  • Krantz Rantz is my Blog. It’s where I get to express myself. Here, hopefully, you get some understanding of why I do what I do.
  • glue talks to my need to create jobs that create community and why the word keeps showing up on my resume.

A few “glue” covers, published from 1997-2001.   More on “glue” here.



© 2023 Roy D. Krantz